What are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in Pet Photography?

We often photograph what we love, and most often, what’s in front of us. 

Photographs of our pets are some of our most cherished possessions. However, unfortunately, they are also some of the most difficult to perfect. 

When it comes to pet photography, as a photographer, you can come across a variety of challenges. As you snap precious mementos of your fur babies, trial and error will take you a long time, but will definitely pay for it with your time and learned skills. 

Here’s a pet photography guide to help you capture fantastic shots of your pets and avoid some of the most common mistakes that many pet photographers make - 

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Pet Photography 

#1 Not Enough Light 

One of the biggest pet photography mistakes people make is not having enough light. 

Pets move around a lot, so you need to make sure you have enough light to capture them in a photo. If you are capturing the photos indoors, try turning on all lights and bringing in artificial lighting to add all the light to the room also helps. 

If you’re outdoors, try standing in the shades so your pet is better lit. 

#2 Taking Photos From a Higher Depth 

This is perhaps the most important part of pet photography: get down low. 

Most people take photographs from where they are the most comfortable from - standing up and holding the camera. 

Crouch, and take those photos with ample height and depth. Getting your camera very close to the ground gives the pet more power, and connects at their level. 

#3 Choosing the Wrong Camera Settings 

Of course, this does not apply if you are using your smartphone. 

But if you have a DSLR, or a mirrorless camera where you can change the features of the camera such as aperture, ISO, and shutter speed, get to know what they do and how and when to change them. 

Learn your way around the camera so you can use manual exposure mode and can completely control the shutter speed, so you can take the best photos. 

#4 Using Flash 

Honestly, flash can be great for photos. It can bring extra light on your subject and pop their structure and highlight the details, too!

However, for pets, it also has the ability to make their eyes look a weird greenish, yellow color. This is clearly not a look you want when you’re trying to capture your fur baby.

#5 Cluttered Background 

Let’s face it - we’ve all done it. 

When looking at old photographs, all you can see is the bright blue jumper you left on the bed lying in the background, or books strewn across your table next to your pet.

Sometimes, this situation is unavoidable, especially with pet photography. 

However, if you’re planning a photoshoot, ensure you have a look around the area and remove any unwanted items. Anything that might distract your subject should go. 

This will make it much easier to photograph them naturally as you do not have to worry about anything else interfering with your session. 

#6 Not Being Patient 

Pets can be unpredictable, so it’s very important to stay patient  when photographing them. 

If you hurry them along, you will have a blurry and moving photo in the end, which is why, take your time and wait for the perfect moment. 

#7 Not Editing your Photos Correctly 

Do not forget to edit your photos. This can help you to improve the quality of the photographs and make them look their best. 

Try using free and premium quality photo editing software like Photoshop, Lightroom, or Snapseed to make minor adjustments and craft the perfect photo. 

#8 Not Using Props 

Another common mistake photographers make is not using props. 

Props can add an interesting take to your photos and make them fun. Try using treats, toys, flowers, and more to get your pet’s attention. 
If you’re looking for pet photography to capture your beautiful fur babies, book a shoot to get in touch with us and frame your pets forever!