International Friendship Day: 7 Incredible Ways to Celebrate with your Pet!

It’s a brand new year and another International Friendship Day is here! 

Is there any better friend than your pet to celebrate with?

Our fur babies are loyal and stand by us no matter what, listen to us rant without any judgment, provide endless cuddles when we’re down, and also voice out their opinions when required.

As John Grogan says, “Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day.”

So, it’s only fair we celebrate them this International Friendship Day, right?

7 Incredible Ways to Celebrate International Friendship Day with your Pet 

Here are seven fun ways to celebrate this International Friendship Day with your pet - 

  1. Extended Play Time 

Although playtime can be truly enjoyed by our fur babies, it isn’t just limited to them. In addition, playtime is absolutely necessary. 

It’s the way pets learn about the world by sniffing and exploring, form bonds with other animals, and get mental and physical exercise - win-win! If your dog is bone tired by the end of the day, you know you’ve done a good job!

Playing with your dog reduces their anxiety, lessens their destructive behavior, and improves communication and relationship skills. 

Have an extra playtime session with your pet this International Friendship Day - take them to their favorite park and tag along their friends and favorite toys to have the best day ever!

2. Go for a Swim!

Summer is here and there’s no weather that supports your idea of a cool swim on a hot summer day!

Do a quick research to find out if there’s any lake, pet-friendly pools, or even a beach close to you to go for a swim with your dog. Remember to do a quick safety sweep for algae and other dangers before going.

Even if you don’t have a place to swim near you, you can always throw your own little swim party with makeshift kiddie pools, water toys, and sprinklers.

3. Nap Away and Get Cuddling!

Did you know that when your dog takes a nap near you, especially with their belly up, it’s usually a good indicator that they trust you and feel safe around you?

If not, this is the time to let your dog know that you feel the same way around them by taking a nap with them. 

Dogs recognize their family and you as their protector, and it can be a sign that you share a strong bond with one another.

It can also help improve your bond and allow you to relax from all the extra playing! Plus, who can say no to those cuddles, right?

4. Go on a Doggy Date to your Favorite Cafe, Park, or Diner

There are plenty of dates to take your pet to, whether you have a human significant to join you or not. And the best part, these can even be free!

Plan a day out and take along your picnic baskets filled with your favorite sandwiches, your pet’s favorite treats, and water! 

Choose a pet-friendly park where all dogs come out and play, so your fur baby can bond and make four-legged friends, run around, and have the best time ever!

Your dog will enjoy the extra bonding, and you’ll get some fresh air. 

5. Play Hide and Seek 

Regardless of whether your best friend is a cat, dog, or bunny; pets love playing hide and seek with their owners. 

Having a game of hide and seek as a way of spending quality time together will get them running and activate their sensory glands to try and look for you.

Reward them with their favorite treats every time they find you when you’re hiding and they will love the new challenge of trying to find their prey!

6. Go Shopping Together

What better way to spend and recognize your special bonding with one another than spoiling your best friend for International Friendship Day?

Take your dog to their favorite pet store and buy them their favorite toy, treat, or outfit.

It’s a win-win - you will get a chance to spend time with your fur baby and a day out picking their favorite treats and toys without any restrictions can make them ecstatic too!

Find out the best pet stores close to you and take your pet along for a fun ride together!

7. Try New Food 

Do you feed your dog the same food every day? 

Imagine if we were given the same old food every single day? Boring, right?

While we understand that dogs do not have the innate need for fancy food routines, or changes in their diet every day, on this International Friendship Day, try making some new food for your dog. ‘

Look up recipes on the internet for yourself and for your pup, so you can prepare a meal for both of you and enjoy it together!

Preparing food for your dog is way easier than you think and more fun, for obvious reasons! 

Be mindful of the ingredients you add to their food since dogs cannot ingest all ingredients that a human can consume. Consult your veterinarian or a dog nutritionist to understand what food groups you can share with your dog. 

Put in that extra effort and make something special for your dog and enjoy a hearty meal together!

If you’re looking to capture the best moments of your pet, book a shoot with us now!